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@Xi awarded HPC Supercomputer Cluster contract for NIST

By 6 de febrero de 2024abril 24th, 2024Noticias

The prestigious National Institute of Standard and Technologies located in Gaithersburg MD, has awarded @Xi Computer Corp. the contract to provide 64 HPC Computer Cluster Nodes. These nodes are dedicated to augmenting the computational capabilities of their Linux Cluster Supercomputer used by the Chemical Informatics Group of the Material Measurements Laboratory Chemical Science Division.

Their mission is to develop new algorithms for chemical informatics, data analysis, and molecular simulation, as well as new standards for the management, validation, and dissemination of computational and experimental data. Each of the @Xi NetRAIDer™ 64LT high density clusters is composed of 4 nodes in a 2U rackmount configuration sporting the 32-Core 4h Gen AMD EPYC 9354P with a max Turbo Clock frequency of 3.8GHz and capable of 186,253 MOPS. Switch and network cables are also part of the contract to enable a full integration with the existing infrastructure.

This is one of @Xi many successful projects that demonstrate the ability of our company to configure, optimize and deliver nationwide, HPC turnkey Supercomputer Clusters with the highest level of quality, reliability and support.


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